What Is A Settlement Plan? Why You Need One As A New Immigrant

What is a Settlement Plan?

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A settlement plan is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to integrate easily into Canada while achieving all your dreams/goals. It is a detailed plan on how you want your life to go within a particular time frame (2 years, 4 years, 6 years, etc.) from when you arrive in Canada.

Who Needs a Settlement Plan?

Prospective and new immigrants are often unaware of where and how to access information and services that can make their settlement in another country seamless.

They are often overwhelmed with all they have to do and information they need to settle in easily and often at a loss on how to start and what to do first and subsequently.

Understanding how the Canadian system works in terms of how to find accommodation, jobs, childcare, banking, investment, shopping, community support, government-funded programs, mortgages, etc. is often a herculean task for new immigrants to Canada.

Permanent residents and temporary residents such as international students, foreign workers all need a settlement plan to avoid wasting time and money.

A settlement plan cuts the complexities of settling into a new country. It is like a map that shows you how to get to your destination.

Why You Need a Personalized Plan as a New Immigrant in Canada

According to Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “A goal without a plan is just a wish “.

As a new immigrant, you want to buy a house, land a government job, have $50,000 in savings, travel to all the Canadian provinces, explore fun places in your province or city, get an additional education/certificate, etc. These are good goals to have.

But many questions beg for answers.

How will you achieve those goals?

Do you have a measurable time frame for achieving your goals?

How long will it take you to find the information and help you need to achieve your goals?

This is why you need a personalized settlement plan.

It is not a generic plan that anybody can use. It is tailored to you and your goals, your province, and your city of residence because regulations vary across the Canadian provinces. What is obtainable in Ontario is not the same as in British Columbia.

What You Will Get

  • Your personal goals clearly defined (e.g. buy a house, land your dream job, acquire a skill such as carpentry, travel etc.)
  • A realistic time frame for you to achieve your life goals
  • Key steps you need to take to achieve your goals
  • Resources (websites, events, programs) where you can find additional information to help you achieve your goals
  • What you need to do on a monthly basis and the order to follow to execute your tasks
  • Access to professionals and mentor that will support you to achieve your goals

How Can You Get a Personalized Plan?

A personalized settlement plan is one of the services offered by BC Settlement Buddy.

You don’t just get a plan without action or follow-up. We walk with you every step of the way, monitoring your progress with monthly review calls/meetings, strategizing, and re-strategizing to ensure you achieve your goal.

Why do we think this is important and included in our service offerings?

As a family, we arrived in Canada without a settlement plan.

We just went with the wind.

We made lots of mistakes and wasted time and money chasing the wrong things.

We made poor choices.

It took us two years to realize we have been going in the wrong direction.

If we were to arrive again as new immigrants, we would do things differently.

We are now informed and want to guide new immigrants to avoid the mistakes we made.

Google doesn’t have all the answers. You will not find experiences via a Google search or a random answer on a WhatsApp/Telegram group.

Most times as new immigrants, we spend money on the wrong things. For example, It is okay to spend $200 on a new hair extension but it is too expensive to invest this same amount for our future in Canada.

Making strategic and wise decisions as a new immigrant is important to have a successful life in Canada.

If I had the opportunity to get a personalized settlement plan and have someone personally guide me when I moved to Canada, I would have achieved more than what I have done within these two years.

Choose wisely today.

Get a personalized settlement action plan. Be focused. Succeed in Canada.

Follow BC Settlement Buddy on Instagram to read more personal stories and experiences on why you need a settlement plan

BC Parliament Building - Tourism is an integral part of your settlement plan

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